Turn Your Beliefs to Actions

I am a big believer in the  power of beliefs and how they shape our reality. Having gone through some transpersonal experiences, I understood through my direct experiences how our unconscious mind regulates majority of things we manifest in our lives and how we can regulate our lives through conscious living. I experimented with my belief power through vision boards, affirmations and a lot of awareness practices and self reflection.

I figured out our life is a playground if we choose to take responsibility for whatever happens to us and look at it through the lense of cause and effect with open mind. When we begin to feel responsible for our lives and actions, we begin to make positive choices in the worst of scenarios and challenges. This is what I call Empowerment and I try each day to realise it in my role  as a teacher as well. 

I believe teaching can be Fun and Ease when we begin to connect learning activities with Fun and Games. I always try to figure out ways to make an activity interactive and fun through bringing some game element into it. Elementary kids respond best I believe when there is fun and they are unconsciously learning with more enthusiasm and motivation. 
Trying to live upto my beliefs is what inspires me to be creative in whatever I teach and how I respond to challenges. 
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